

Power Tools Stanley for your DIY

15 products

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Power Tools Stanley for your DIY on Ready for Delivery!

View 1 - 15 Of 15 products
Levigatrice Estendibile Stanley SFMEE500S-QS 750W
(11 Recensioni)
Price€199,00 Price€210,00
Extendable Sander Stanley SFMEE500S-QS 750WSTANLEY Delivery in 1/2 days
Tassellatore Stanley SDS PLUS SFMCH900M22 18V 4Ah
(1 Recensione)
Hammer drill Stanley SDS PLUS SFMCH900M22 18V 4AhSTANLEY Delivery in 8/10 days
Trapano avvitatore V20 Stanley SFMCD700C2K 1.5Ah
V20 Drill Driver Stanley SFMCD700C2K 1.5AhSTANLEY Delivery in 1/2 days
Smerigliatrice Angolare Stanley SFMCG400M2K
(1 Recensione)
Angle Grinder Stanley SFMCG400M2KSTANLEY Delivery in 1/2 days
Trapano a percussione Stanley FMEH750K-QS 750 W
(2 Recensioni)
Hammer drill Stanley FMEH750K-QS 750WSTANLEY Delivery in 1/2 days
Trapano a percussione Stanley SFMCD711D22 V20 2Ah
Price€169,00 Price€178,00
Hammer drill Stanley SFMCD711D22 V20 2AhSTANLEY Delivery in 8/10 days
Trapano a percussione V20 Stanley SFMCD721M2K
Hammer Drill V20 Stanley SFMCD721M2KSTANLEY Delivery in 1/2 days
Sega Universale Stanley SFMCS300D2K-QW 20V 2Ah
Price€192,00 Price€210,00
Universal Saw Stanley SFMCS300D2K-QW 20V 2AhSTANLEY Delivery in 8/10 days
Utensile Multifunzione Oscillante Stanley 300 W
Oscillating Multi-Tool Stanley 300WSTANLEY Delivery in 1/2 days
Sega Circolare Stanley FME301K-QS 1650 W
(1 Recensione)
Circular saw Stanley FME301K-QS 1650WSTANLEY Delivery in 1/2 days
Chiodatrice Stanley SFMCN616D2K-QW 18v 2Ah
Nailer Stanley SFMCN616D2K-QW 18v 2AhSTANLEY Delivery in 1/2 days
Sega Circolare Stanley SFMCS550M2K-QW 20V 4Ah
Smerigliatrice Angolare Stanley SFMCG700M2K
Sega Universale Stanley FME365K-QS 1050 W
Universal Saw Stanley FME365K-QS 1050WSTANLEY Delivery in 1/2 days
Avvitatore a Impulsi V20 Stanley SFMCF820D2K 18V
V20 Impact Wrench Stanley SFMCF820D2K 18VSTANLEY Delivery in 1/2 days

Power Tools Stanley for your DIY